(Post 10) What's in the news?
What's in the news?
100 Women: ‘I dye my hair brown to be taken more seriously at work’
The screen shot displayed to the left indicates the story that i have chosen from the news. Put simply, the story tells that 100 women dye their hair brown to be taken more seriously.
"Eileen Carey is a successful CEO, in her early 30s, with glasses and brown hair. But she didn't always look the way she does now. "The first time I dyed my hair was actually due to advice I was given by a woman in venture capital," she says. Carey was told that the investors she was pitching to would feel more comfortable dealing with a brunette, rather than a blonde woman. "I was told for this raise [of funds], that it would be to my benefit to dye my hair brown because there was a stronger pattern recognition of brunette women CEOs," she explains. Pattern recognition is a theory which suggests people look for familiar experiences - or people - which in turn can make them feel more comfortable with the perceived risks they are taking." - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-41082939
The image displayed to the right is a screen shot of what the story looks like on the BBC news website. The image is of the main women talked about in the news story.
If I were to make a short film about the news story....
1 - Women with blonde hair arrives at work
2- Women sits at desk and asks her colleagues for some advice, she gets completely ignored for the whole day
3 - Women arrives back home and evaluates her day and wonders why she has been ignored
4 - she comes to the conclusion that its because her hair is blonde and not brown
5 - She opens up the web and decides to search what is the most respectful hair colour for a work place - then end outcome is brown is the most respectful colour
6 - She rings up the hair dresser and books an appointment to dye her hair
7 - The following day the women turns up at work with new silky brown hair
8 - All of her colleagues now talk to her and bombard her with questions to do with work and her hair and appearance
9- Arrives home very distressed and upset due to her now being so 'popular' due to her hair colour
10 - Decide's she does not want to work in an environment with that discrimination and moves somewhere else where that does not happen and is a lot happier....
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